Following Jesus
by Katie Harding on January 23, 2023
What does it mean to follow Jesus fully? On the homepage of our NorthStar Women’s Network website, it says that we are “Encouraging women to follow Jesus fully because changed women change lives.” But what exactly does that mean?
“If I try hard enough, work long enough, and consistently put forth enough effort, will my life begin to resemble the life of Jesus?”
Is following Jesus fully about exercising willpower and modifying my actions into better behavior? If I try hard enough, work long enough, and consistently put forth enough effort, will my life begin to resemble the life of Jesus?
Actually, it’s not about willpower at all. I have found that in following Jesus, it’s about will-surrender. It’s about letting go of my plans and accepting His. It’s about saying, “No,” to my desires and submitting to His ways. It’s about saying, “No,” to the internal voice that wants to cause such conflict within my soul, and instead focus on trusting Him and submitting to His peace — even on hard days. It’s understanding this is what growth can look like and how endurance begins to take root; this is how Christ-like character begins to grow.
As we begin to approach the last week of the first month of this new year, it’s time to survey the land. Where do you see God’s hand leading you? What seems almost possible or virtually impossible? Focus there. Make a decision to follow Jesus fully. Let go of your fears – of failure, rejection, the unknown, or whatever fears hold you back – and let Jesus lead. It all begins with one step. Will you take that step today?