Making a difference

living our faith in tangible ways

Jesus asked the lawyer, “Which of these three, do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of the robbers?" He said, “The one who showed him mercy.” Jesus said to him, “Go and do likewise.”-Luke 10:36-37

When we ask ourselves, “Who is my neighbor?” it can change our posture. It can make us ask questions like: “Am I seeing others?” “Am I being merciful?”
Mercy is the compassionate treatment of others, regardless of their situation. There are no ulterior motives; nothing is expected in return. It’s very freeing to show kindness in this way.

Who do you know who might need a kind word, an encouraging thought, a warm meal, a bag of groceries, or a plate of cookies? Some days, even a phone call or Zoom lunch can do so much to brighten one’s life. Who are you a neighbor to?

December Challenge:

For this month's challenge, we’d like to share a wonderful list of ideas that originated with Gloria Melo, the Missions Coordinator at Gateway Community Church.